It’s almost time that Bridget and I weren’t here. After almost 18 months in the UK it’s time to take the brakes off and get rolling. We leave on the 25th Oct, destination Gran Canaria again.
We will be taking the ferry from Huevla to Las Palmas on the 30th October, arriving on the 1st November and staying for the winter. To get to Huevla we are taking a ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao, then driving through Salamanca and Bandajoz. Need our sea legs!
The plan, or as near as I ever get to having one, is to return in the spring via the Balkans. We have never visited Croatia, Bosnia, Kosova, or Serbia before so it will be a bit of adventure. The intention is to go as far as Albania and possibly Moldova or, if the fighting has ceased, Ukraine.
I don’t know why, but for some reason Moldova never seems like a real country to me (no disrespect meant). The name conjours up a Disney style country consisting of a mountain with a castle on the top, a medieval village at the bottom and a dark forest all around full of witches, goblins and wolves. Anyway, we’ll see, if they let me in after that!