Farewell Finland
One of the joys of having no set route on these adventures is that just occasionally you stumble across a gem of a place about which you have never heard. Hamina, in Finland, was just one such example of this as far as I am concerned.
I had never heard of it, although I am sure due to its place in history it is somewhat better known to both the Fins and the Russians, oh and possibly the Swedes. It appears to have been fought over at one time or another by both the Swedes and the Russians, fighting each other as far as I can make out, so I assume the locals just kept their heads down.
Hamina was originally named Vehkalahti which was founded in 1653, but was completely destroyed in 1712 by, you’ve guessed it, fire; albeit the fire this time was deliberately set by the retreating army of Sweden. This was the time of Peter the Great, unusual...