Starters Orders
Thank you all for your patience and returning to the site for our updates.
Bridget is now fully recovered except for a fault with the reversing lights that I will fix on Monday. She is to be inspected by the Licensing Authority when I should receive a Visitors Permit enabling me to drive her around Western Australia and most, but not all, other states in the country. I may have to get additional permits for certain other states. The Australian Government has certainly gotten off, to a fine art, ways of parting tourists from their hard earned cash for very little value.
I have now been in Australia for just over a month and should be starting the journey around the continent on Wednesday. The probable route from Perth will be south to Albany and on to Esperance, an area, I am told, of outstanding beauty. From there will be my first ‘long drive’ to Adelaide, then on to Geelong and Melbourne....