Work has been steadily progressing on Bertie’s restoration, but the plan has changed. I reached the point where the number of panels needing to be repaired or replaced, due to rust, was no longer the best solution. Bertie is to have a complete new shell!
The old body shell has been sent to have those panels that are still sound removed and re-used, and the new body, made by British Motor Heritage, has arrived. The seams of the new body have been sealed, in line with recomendations, and several holes have been drilled for accessories to be attached. Now the bodyshell has gone to the paintshop and I am busy cleaning the engine and gearbox, replacing the clutch and restoring everthing else currently laying in a heap on the garage floor.
At least the owners body doesn’t need replacing!…yet.
Totally irreplaceable! However, a brain transplant might be a good idea. Good to hear from you Gary, hope all is well.