Yes, it is true, Bridget has a new set of clothes. Following her visit to the little red car factory and museum in Maranello she has been pestering me for a ‘nice red outfit’. I have to say I think it suits her and clearly so do some of her fans. I have already received a letter from a young lady in Germany. I can’t make out her signature but I think it is Michelle Shoemaker, back in history her family were probably all cobblers! Anyway she says she is currently working out her notice from her present employer and asked if she could drive my car next year? Of course I shall have to refuse her request as Bridget will be otherwise disposed. The new floor pan has been fitted and so all I have to do now is re-assemble everything with as few parts left over as possible. I am hoping she will be ready by Christmas and we can start our ‘work-up’ in January 2013. Tell us what you think of her new look.