Stuck in Panama
There is rapidly increasing tension in Panama City caused by two really stupid shipping agents. Unfortunately until they calm down and sort themselves out Bridget is held captive. My plan had been to collect her today and do a 6,000 mile service tomorrow before driving on to the border with Costa Rica. So unless they get a grip there is every chance of a major eruption from me shortly.
Although still a few miles away, I am also keeping an eye on the situation in Honduras which I hope will be peacefully resolved before I get there. Personally I am backing the BRIDGET for PRESIDENTE campaign although she will have to fulfil several overseas visits before getting down to sorting out the domestic issues.
We now seem to have wrested the attention of our North American cousins and several invitations have been gratefully received for Bridget to visit. It remains to be seen, however, if they are anywhere near as generous as...