Starters Orders, Again

Starters Orders, Again

Hello to you all. Countdown to the next leg of this journey is now underway. The plan, such as it is, is to follow the Pan American Highway from just outside of Buenos Aires across Argentina, over the Andes into Chile. Then turning north I will drive much of the length of Chile and entering Peru still travelling north. A short detour from the highway to take in Machu Picchu famed for the Inca settlement and then rejoining the highway to drive into Equador where we will hitch another sea trip around the Darien Gap to Panama. From there it’s just a matter of travelling north to Canada. Should be a piece of cake. The break whilst Bridget has been travelling from Freemantle to Buenos Aires has given me some time for reflection on the first two legs of the journey and I have concluded that those that accused me of being ‘crazy’ are probably right. I shall check into the...
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Normal Service Will Be Resumed ASAP

Hi Folks, Sorry to have to tell you that the interuption to our journey, caused by the ocean between Perth and Buenos Aires, will be longer than anticipated. Or to put it another way, the ship carrying Bridget will be late. The latest estimated date of arrival in Buenos Aires is currently the 20th May although this is still to be confirmed. Originally it was expected on the 5th May. However I have been swatting-up on the route through South America and it is approximately 4,500 miles plus a further 1,000 miles detour to include the Inca ruins at Macchu Picchu in Peru. This leg will take me through Argentina, Chile, Peru and Ecuador. Thank you all for your patience and I hope to be chatting again soon....
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Goodbye Australia

Goodbye Australia

I arrived in Australia in October 2008 with little in the way of expectations but some media generated preconceptions e.g. all sun, sea and surf. Although I knew some of the distances involved in circumnavigating the continent it still came as a surprise to find my next destination would be three days driving away. What I was not in anyway prepared for are the extremes experienced in Australia such as weather, flood levels, bush fires and some of the wildlife. The country is vast and sparsely populated; the people warm, generous, and what I particularly liked, individualistic but with exceptional community spirit. I believe it may have many parallels with parts of the United States of America although I doubt that I will find the Americans quite so generous. It has been an immensely interesting visit during which I have travelled over 11,500 miles bringing the total for the first two legs to almost 22,500 miles. Names, previously unknown, but now indelibly...
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Return to Perth

Return to Perth

Not unreasonably I felt that the worse was behind me as I had been told by the people in Broome that the road to Port Hedland was not normally subject to flooding. The rain stopped shortly after we left and the temperature started climbing. Bridget was running well and I looked forward to another good day travelling. The landscape south of Broome is different to any that I had previously seen in Australia with miles and miles of what I would call ‘savannah’. It put me in mind of what I think the great American prairies must be like. After about 90 miles I saw a car at the side of the road and an aboriginal man with it so I pulled over to see if I could help. The car was an old Nissan that had seen much better days and the chap told me that he thought the battery was flat. I looked under the bonnet and noticed that...
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Never Rains, But….

Never Rains, But….

Bridget’s engine is not well. Having arrived in Darwin my first priority was to ascertain how serious Bridget’s engine problem is. I called Barry Fowler, the bloke I met on Sunday around a hundred miles south of here. We arranged for me to take Bridget over around midday to check the engine’s compression. On arrival we conducted a vacuum test which together with the compression test confirmed that there is a problem with cylinder 3. Either a piston ring is broken or the valves could be worn. Either way it will need to wait until Bridget and I return to Perth. I have put an oil additive in the engine that should help reduce any damage and also changed the spark plugs, checked the points and timing. Meanwhile the news is that the road from Darwin to Broome is closed to traffic by flood water at Victoria River. The level is 3 metres above the bridge. It means that we are likely...
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