Countdown to Take-Off
Psuedo travel over with, prepare for the real thing. For the past seven months, I have been acting as Club Manager for the MG Car Club but, clearly was making progress too fast and have been removed, because they were concerned about my health, or their own!
So, I have dusted off Bridget and assessed what needs to be done to prepare her for another round-the-world tour. As can be seen in the above photo, she is sitting quite low on the rear suspension, so it will be new springs (the current ones are the originals and completed over 200,000 miles) and new hydroscopic shocks. Such modern upgrades! Also the front bumper (fender)anchor point welds have parted company so they will be rewelded. Other items include a brake system overhaul, check engine valves and seats and standard maintenance work.
Regards the route, I really don't know. Most likely, is to follow the first leg of the original route planned for 2021 before...