Sorry for my prolonged absence. It has been so long that I couldn’t remember what my last post covered and had to go on site to see. Anyway, we have had an eventful few days in France and another of those “Bridget should never have made it” moments, followed by Moss Europe digging us out of the clag again! They must be fed-up with us by now, but they continue assisting.
After the wonderful run through the Selvio Pass and a couple of nights at Terisimo we continued in the general direction of France. My regulars will know the high esteem that I hold France in, and I suddenly had an unaccountable urge (possibly connected to a surfeit of wine) to visit my cousin in Blaymont, Lot and Garonne. Although they had other family already there, they were, of course, delighted to be honoured with a visit.
A number of times I was unable to ignore an aweful banging when I started...
From Pordeone we drove over to Tremisone, on Lake Garda. This area has always been a favourite of mine and very many Brits for many years. For me it’s just about nature, the mountains and inevitable lakes. Unfortunately this particular area is just about saturated from a traffic point of view and it is difficult to know how to resolve it. Widening the roads, apart from being difficult, would spoil many aspects of the area, but it is impossible to restrict the numbers.
I had checked into my hotel in Pieve di Tremisone and completed the initial recce of the town and was just about to enter the building when a MGF pulled up in the car park opposite. I walked over and introduced myself to the occupants, a couple from Hebdon Bridge. Unfortunately they are not MGCC members, but still very nice people. First of the family I have seen since leaving the UK.
One of the photos I have uploaded...
Feeling thoroughly refreshed after a couple of days in Maribor, Bridget and I set-off for Sesta al Reghena, some 20 miles West-Nor’-West of Trieste and 15 miles West-Sou’-West of Udine. I am not sure how to pronounce the latter, so I asked a cockney “Wasn’t he that geezer with chains, a sack and a tank of water?” It occurred to me after, what a shame it is that there wasn’t a prison camp there during World War II, then hundreds of Brits could tunnel their way out and we could make a film entitled “Escape from Udine”
The drive was event free and the scenery was back to what I enjoy so much, lots of open space with some serious mountains in the distance. Much of the urban housing across Slovenia is similar to the chalet styles you would see in the French Alps areas, Austria and, I imagine, Switzerland. The latter is one European country I have not been to,...
Today is going to be a tumultuous day for me as I write a new page in Maribor folklore.
I found a Spar shop just a mile down the road from the hotel I am staying in and as luck would have it they had a small selection of tin trays with themed views of Maribor District. I was rather taken by the one showing the famous Maribor Wine Cellars.
Just a hundred yards further down the road was a car accessory shop, so I popped in just to browse. As luck had it they had a small reel of 1960’s ‘go faster stripes’, so I bought that and edged the tray with it. There was just enough left over to circle the crown of my leather racing helmet.
Talking with one of the local ski aces I also went a sports equipment shop where I purchased some Alpine ski wax. According to the product description this is also suitable for snowboards and...
Another four hundred mile run, this time in temperatures in the mid thirty degrees centigrade. Bridget showed signs of getting too hot, but continued anyway until I decided to give her a forty-five minute break. We have left Poland and made our way down to Brno in the Czech Republic. I wasn’t sure how to pronounce Brno and so asked a local. It is pronounced just the way it looks (know what I mean ‘arry).
This is Bridget’s fiftieth unique country that she has visited. Multiple visits such as those to France, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, etc., only count as one each, as does the United Kingdom, not four separate countries. The total mileage covering those countries has been 65,000, but I have no idea how much petrol she has consumed. As a celebration I have today given her a wash, the second since leaving the UK on this run. Not a penny spared.
I have also adjusted the rear brakes as I...