Firstly my apologies for the delay in posting this 'end of run' blog. After nine months away from home there are so many things that demand attention that I quite forgot that, according to this page, I was still in deepest France.
I spent three very pleasent days in Blaymont with my cousin and her husband and did absolutely nothing to the car other than a cursory check of the oil and water levels. The steering still felt secure so I assumed the kingpin was holding up.
There are several different routes from Blaymont back to the UK and I surveyed the different ferries available before deciding that I would drive all the way up to Calais and use either EuroTunnel or a ferry. Bridget and I set off for Le Mans using minor roads rather than the main highways. The weather was dry and for the most part sunny, but I didn't drop the hood. Bridget was rather laden down with too many...