Fridays’ drive from Kiruna to Rovaniemi was completed in splendid wonderful sunshine. The scenery has reverted to fairly standard forestry and farmland, but we are still in the Arctic Circle. The roads were fine with minimal traffic.
The highlight of the journey was spotting a reindeer strolling into the forest just as I was passing. Bridget screeched to a halt, I grabbed the camera and jumped out as quickly as one can from a Midget. I walked back up the road to the point where the deer entered the woods and as quietly as possible went after it. Within a hundred yards I came across it grazing in a clearing. I managed to get several photos before it trotted off further into the forest.
I realised on arriving in Rovaniemi that Bridget has completed 3,500 miles on the run so far which, together with the testing, etc. prior to leaving, means she needs a short service. I visited four garages in the Rovaniemi area and none were prepared to do it saying they were very busy and as it was Friday they closed at 4:00 o’clock! Obviously too much business. Anyway as the old oil will need to be disposed of properly I cannot do the job myself so it will need to wait until next week.
For those that don’t already know Rovaniemi is the official home of Santa Claus. I have a number of things that I need to do for my grand children and so I have decided to stay here for the weekend. I spoke to the reindeer I saw in the woods, but he hasn’t seen Rudolph for several days and thinks that he may have gone on holiday with Santa to Christmas Island.
Staying over the weekend will also give me the opportunity to catch up with my chores such as washing clothes as well as giving Bridget a scrub-up.