More Days in Iran

More Days in Iran

I ended my last report from Astara on the coast of the Caspian Sea. From there I ventured along the coast road to Rasht and then down to Tehran. Again I attracted the attention of the local plod, this time in the guise of motorway police. They pulled me over just for a good look at the car and couldn’t even guide me to a good hotel. After driving around the major routes of Tehran for about an hour I stopped to study the map and try to figure out whereabouts I was in relation to the city. Suddenly there was a whoop of joy and two lads on a motorcycle stopped alongside me. We chatted for several minutes and I asked them if they could give me directions. They said that they could do better than that and told me to follow them. After about 15 minutes of weaving through Tehran traffic, and that’s a feat not to be under-rated,...
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5 Days in Iran

5 Days in Iran

Monday 21st July and my last day in Turkey. I decided that after having worked out in the gym at Erzurum (first time for over seven weeks) and found my fitness level wanting, that I would walk from the hotel to Ishak Pasha Sarayi some 6 miles distant. The palace was built in the 17th century and is only 15 kms from Mount Ararat. History records that the Pasha (a local ruler) was so pleased with the design of the palace that he had the architect’s hands chopped off so that he couldn’t design a better one for anyone else. A little drastic you might think but I was wondering if we could do something similar in the UK but with estate agents! Anyway, it was a wonderful day out and I met-up with three guys from the Turkish army. They were really friendly and took many photo’s as well as buying me lunch. At the end of the day they...
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Last Post from Turkey

Last Post from Turkey

Well after five days Ordu was finally put behind us. We took the coast road to Trabzon, a distance of no more than 120 miles. The scenery was pleasant but not spectacular, much the same as many other coast roads in European countries such a s Spain or Italy. The traffic was its usual horn tooting, waving, jostling self and the day was shaping up to be a generally relaxed affair. Arriving on the outskirts of Trabzon around 11:00am I noticed one particular vehicle that had been trailing me for a little distance moved up on the outside of Bridget. I looked over and the driver made it clear that he would like to stop and chat. Being as I had plenty of time on hand and we were on the edge of town I thought ‘why not’, so I let him overtake and a couple of hundred metres up the road we stopped. He jumped out of his vehicle and...
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Some Early, Some Late, Some Never

Some Early, Some Late, Some Never

I am in Trabzon on the coast of the Black Sea for two days. I got a surprise today when a package from England arrived a day early!! Well done UPS. The package contained amongst other things a cable needed to enable me to upload files from my camcorder. However, the Turkish Government in their infinite wisdom has banned all access to the YouTube website which we use to upload our videos. So I am afraid the potential Oscar winning films will have to wait a little longer, perhaps I will have learnt how to use the camcorder by then. I have at last succeeded in fixing another technical hitch and uploaded the Departure photo's. So we are getting there....
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Back on Track

Back on Track

Hello and good evening from Ankara. Yes, after a 400 mile dash we are back on course, but not for long! We will stay here for a day and then make our way up to the Black Sea. A few more photo's available, the first from people we have met on the journey. The album is called "As others see us" and today's are from Franz and Angelika Reither in Vienna. Bridget is well....
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