I woke somewhat earlier than normal this morning startled by the wailing of the Air Raid Siren. Still bleary-eyed my first thought was “it’s a practise” followed by “What? At five o’clock in the morning”. As a post war baby, I can remember the sirens being tested every so often in the early fifties and we always waited for the short ‘all clear’ blast following. Do they sound an ‘all clear’ here, are we supposed to get out of bed and go somewhere? Oh, to hell with all that, I’m going back to sleep. But I defy anyone not to continue listening for the sound of an aircraft, or roar of an incoming missile, for a few minutes at least.
I saw later in the news today that in fact Odessa was hit by two missiles with another two destroyed. If they were fired from a ship in the Black Sea the trajectory would have crossed us among many other towns...