The only surviving participant from the enthusiasts wishing to take part on this adventure is Chris Vernon. Chris is a club member belonging to the South-East register. In the recent past Chris was a keen marathon runner.
With nine weeks still to go before the planned departure day most things are in place for our tour. However, nobody will be surprised to hear that the definitive route is still not set in stone because of the political situation in the Middle East. Our preferred route will take us through Syria, Jordan and into Egypt but we have two possible alternatives should this not be possible. The final decision will not be made until around mid August. The proposed route is shown in full on the page headed ‘Route’ and includes all the overnight stops.
Moss Europe is gathering together all the spares that we are likely to require and we will take delivery of those at the end of June. Scorpion Signs of Abingdon are putting the finishing touches to the artwork for the cars signage, including a route map for the cars bonnets in case we get lost. Also Frontline Costello will be doing a nut and bolt check of Bridget at their premises in Steventon in May just to make sure that I’ve done everything properly.
The cars are roadworthy and, hopefully, only require minor adjustments. There are a number of MG events where Bridget will be appearing between now and September such as The Old Speckled Hen run, Midget50 and MGLive, so if you want to see her in her ‘African garb’ pop along and say “Hello”.
We are receiving fantastic support from a host of MG enthusiasts based in South Africa, with some of them planning to drive into Namibia to greet us.
Our finalised plans, together with details of our chosen charity, will appear here during August so please keep watching.